Welcome to Birds With Brooke! This website was designed to share teachings and resources that will help educators to incorporate bird observation in their curriculum. Check out the “Resources for Educators” page for videos and downloadable documents.

As a teenager, she discovered her calling while volunteering for Wilderness Awareness School. This experience led to her first apprenticeship and launched a career teaching in diverse settings, including outdoor schools, Waldorf schools, cooperative schools, and public elementary schools. Brooke graduated from The Evergreen State College, where she focused on alternative education, and in 2011, she founded Environmental Connections Outdoor School in Olympia, Washington. Over the years, the school served more than 400 students, fostering a deep connection to nature.
After returning to her hometown of Seattle, Brooke co-founded Roots of Connection, a nature-based preschool program that has since expanded to include kindergarten through second grade. Her work emphasized innovative approaches like using bird observation to develop early literacy and language skills.
In time, Brooke’s journey brought her north to the Skagit Valley, where she started a third nature school. This endeavor inspired her transition into a career as a parks and recreation professional. Today, Brooke is channeling her expertise into designing and establishing a new environmental learning center for the City of Mount Vernon.
With a wealth of experience in nature-based education and public service, Brooke is passionate about guiding nature-school professionals in building partnerships with local agencies. She’s excited to share her knowledge and help others create opportunities for children and communities to connect with the natural world.